Our Location

Hamburg, PA 19526

Quality Furniture
Fastest Delivery
Best Pricing For You

High Quality

You will be ecstatic over the quality of your new furniture. We guarantee it!

Fast Delivery

To your doorstep from ours. We can even remove your old pieces!

Best Prices

Why spend thousands and thousands on new? Save thousands on new-to-you!

New Arrivals

Save 50% Off Sofas and Sectionals

Shop with Keystone Couches and save 50%, or more in many cases, versus purchasing a new quality couch at a big box store.

Great Quality! Excellent Communication!

With well over 20 five-star Seller Rating reviews on Facebook and growing, Keystone Couches is a no nonsense vendor of fine furniture. We take pride in our candidness when it comes to our couch inventory. You will be 100% satisfied, we guarantee it!

Brad Mossman

Owner, Operator


Delivery To Your Door

Fast. real fast.

Don’t like waiting for your new purchase to arrive? Neither do we! This is why we aim to deliver your new sofa as fast as possible, on your schedule.

Old Sofa Removal

We’ll take it away

Have an old couch to get rid of? We can handle that for you! Be sure to us ask about it.

Sell My Couch

Do you have a couch you are trying to sell?
Too many scammers contacting you for your banking info or cell phone number?
Are you ready to be done with the process?
Simply fill out the form below, upload some pictures, and we’ll get in contact with you about your sofa for sale!
Multi file upload form (#4)